How it began

In December 2010, Dr. Eckert met Bishnu Bhusal, the Medical Assistant, in the district hospital in Manthali. He watched the young man work and was impressed by his pleasant nature and substantiated medical knowledge. Working together, they talked a lot and Bishnu started talking about his visions and dreams.

He always knew that some day he would go back to his village to help the people there.

He was born in western Nepal in the province of Gulmi. His father earned some money as an electrician in India. Part of it he invested in Bishnu's education. As a nine-year-old boy, Bishnu was sent to a boarding school, where he stayed until 13th grade. He was always a good student and would have liked to study medicine afterwards, but his family could not afford that.

So he did a 3-year training program to become a Medical Assistant.  


If a young person, who has experienced life in the city, wants to go back to his village, this initiative should be supported,


said Klaus Eckert and joined Bishnu on a visit to his village during his next stay in Nepal.

In a meeting, the village representatives discussed the plans for a health post in Banjhakateri. The community was willing to provide free property for the center and a building we can now use until the new center is built.

The building under the trees is currently used for treatments. The property in the front is the site where the new center will be built.

Brepal e.V.

KSK Syke-Barrien



DE52 2915 1700 1011 0918 71



Spenden sind steuerlich absetzbar.




Wir können was bewegen,

wir können es auch lassen.

Wir können Liebe geben,

genauso wie wir hassen.


Wir können viele Sachen

tagtäglich neu entscheiden,

ob wir im Leben lachen

oder am Leben leiden,


ob wir ganz unauffällig

uns mäuschenstill verhalten

oder etwas rebellisch

die Zukunft neu gestalten,


ob wir bei schrillem Unrecht,

das wir mit anseh'n, schweigen

oder mit den Betrog'nen

auf Barrikaden steigen.


Wird uns etwas genommen,

so bleibt selbst dann die Wahl,

wie lange wir festhalten

an Unglück oder Qual.


Wir werfen Licht und Schatten

in unsrer Lebenszeit

und weder Hell noch Dunkel

bleibt bis in Ewigkeit.


Wir haben freie Auswahl

beim Ja so wie beim Nein,

doch wer sich nicht entscheidet,

kann nicht lebendig sein.


Renate Eggert-Schwarten