Krishna, our coordinator, is 32 years old and lives in Katmandu with his wife and daughter. Krishna is a sociologist and he has been running many projects with an Austrian organization. With his excellent English, he is a vital team member and translator.
Dr. Klaus Eckert, here together with Krishna, on his first visit to Banjhakateri. Klaus is a doctor with a specialization in internal medicine and nephrology. He also has a graduate degree in tropical medicine and has been working for different projects in India, the Philippines, Sudan, and Ghana.
You can read about some of his experiences in Africa in his blog
Bishnu, 25 years old, unmarried, is the Medical Assistant, who is responsible for the medical care in Banjhakateri. His family lives in the village, too. He is currently working in a provisional building. He is looking forward to the new center, which is supposed to be built in two years.
He would love Western doctors to come and share their experiences with him every once in a while.
Laxmi Gharti, 22 years old, unmarried, is our new midwife in Banjhakateri. She has already some years of work experience in other hospitals and was born in the eastern part of Nepal.
Yam Lal (pronounced: Emlal), is our facility manager. He is 20 years old and also from Banjhakateri.